Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tetherball: Apparently, Sort of Dangerous

My son is at summer camp. His mom got a call earlier this week, which went something like this:

Camp nurse: "Hello, Mrs. Sullivan. Everything's OK, but there's been a little mishap, and your son might have broken his finger."

Mom: "Oh no. How did he do it?"

Camp nurse: "Playing tetherball."

So I did what any dad would do: I sent him a letter, hoping to cheer him up by informing him that I bought tickets for us to go see The National, I slipped $10 in the envelope, and I told him to work on a better story -- something along the lines of "Remember that dude in Florida who strangled a bobcat with his bare hands? Dude, I was eating Skittles, and a bear charged me, and I broke my finger giving him the Vulcan nerve pinch. That bear went down. Totally worth it."

1 comment:

Wendy said...

tickets to see the national... i read that and thought "aww, who's the coolest dad?"